Friday, April 23, 2010
I don't know how to say "no"!
Meet Elvis. This is my friend Shirley's cat. He is a hairless cat. Don't start freaking out, he is really kinda cool, when you get past the hairless part. Look how big he is! He easily is twice the size of our cats.
He's stretching out here to sniff some stuff on the counter. He was just bathed. Yes bathed. He has to be cleaned every day. He needs a bath at least every 3 days, and the other days, we just wipe him down completely, clean his feet, his ears, his face, his rear and brush his teeth. Uh huh. You brush his teeth.
He has such a cute face! He has no fur on him, there is a little peach fuzz on his tail and on his outside of the ears. He is very HIGH MAINTENANCE! He has a super personality though.
You gotta love how long his tail is. It freaks Hunter and Jade out, they say it looks like a rat's. It kinda does. My dad says he is a skinless cat, instead of hairless! (make me laugh)
So, my friend Shirley calls me up. Could I watch Elvis while she goes to her kids for a couple of weeks? Sure, why not. So that is how I ended up, brushing a cat's teeth. He likes it. I think he thinks he's human. He has to have his litter changed every day, new food and water...and his room vacuumed every day. (because he is a mess! He throws litter everywhere, even though he has an enclosed litter box)
He has to have clean clothes everyday, because they get cold, like we do, and because he has kinda a body oil, like we do! When he is cold because you took his jammies off, he wrinkles all up... his type of goosebumps I guess! But when he is warm and clean, he is just the softest thing. Who can say no to that face??? (and yes, I said jammies....he has bedclothes just like us, and regular clothes for daytime... he even has ties, hats shoes...a stroller, a you want me to go on??)
(as much as I like the kitty... I wouldn't recommend getting a hairless cat. They are a lot of work. If you have all day to commit to them, well... power to you and Please... I don't know how to say no, so don't ask me to tend them!) Also, if you think that he could go without his clothes, he rubs on things, and he leaves a brown streak where he rubbed. (body oil...several hours after a bath...) Shirley calls him her crayon!
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That is why I have dogs....