Monday, March 30, 2009


Yep. Monday Morning. My favorite day of the week! I got to work on some stuff last night. The Zebra Card is one of the things I worked on. Several years ago, someone sent me a zebra card with an alphabet on it. I loved it, but in my mind I pictured something else. I wanted to recreate it. So I did. Its not exactly what I wanted, but for now it will do. I'll revamp it later...All the stamps are from TAC. Alpha Grunge and Wild for You. I love that alphabet!

I have to tell you what my friends girls have done again. They keep me laughing! I was making cookies with Maddie and asked her to give me the sugar. She said, sorry Aunt Keerst, I am not allowed to touch the sugar jar. I wish I could type the way she talks. My name has a W in it... so I said, why not? She said, because it was all Abbie's fault. It was her idea. We put sugar all over the floor and slide'd on it like snow. Me, Abbie and Landon! Oh, I says, I see why momma says you can't touch the sugar jar.

I talked to her mom tismorning and told her that...her mom added, well, what she didn't tell you, is that then they decided to make lemonade out of it and poured out packets of that on the floor and then of course, added water... It took her 7 times moping to get the sticky off of the floor.

Twins. Gotta love them!

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