Friday, December 21, 2012

New Babies

For Mother's Day this year, I bought myself two Society Finches.  I had them in a little pen and it is very difficult to tell whether they are female or male.  But I assumed, and I named them Millie and Mo.  Mo has a very distinct haircut, (that looks like the three stooges Mo's haircut)
Well, they really were Millie and Mo and pretty soon I had 3 babies!!!
Those babies are pretty big now and Darla went to live at Nana's house and is now "married" to her Finch, Typewriter.  
But I just had new babies!!!!
Here they are peeking out of their nest..
 See them hunkered down hoping we don't see them.  Two have the distinct "Mo" haircuts, and the third is slick headed.
 Here are the Parents, and the older brother and sister... From 12 o'clock, that is Mia, HE, has a Mo haircut like his daddy.  Mo is at 3 o'clock, Millie the Momma is at 6 o'clock and Spanky, SHE is at 9 o'clock.
 Here's sweet Millie...
 The daddy Mo.  Isn't his hair the best?  I love it!
 Here are two of the first offspring.... Mia and Spanky
 Here are the new babies when they were about 7 days old.
 Here they are hunkering down hoping we don't see them, they are almost 2 weeks old.  Two have "Mo" haircuts, and one is slick headed again.
 This is a picture of the first batch, you can see Mia on the left, and Darla is on the right.  See her little gullet full of seeds?  She was such a piggy.  Now she lives somewhere else, but I get to see her weekly.
 The original three babies, Mia, Darla and Spanky.
That's what's been keeping me company as I scrapbook.  I will share some of that later, but thought you would like to see what fun I've been having with them!

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