You know how I love 3D projects. So I was skimming the internet the other day and came across the neatest blog site ever. Her name is Brenda Quintana and her site is You have to jump over there and check out her stuff.
I did a couple of her tutorials... The first was this cute little tree. So easy to make and so fun. I did about 35 for Christmas gifts.
While I was making the trees, I thought, a star would be neat. So I made up my own design for a star filled with 12 hersheys kisses. This is just the first one... I think that I would make the points a little different next time, but the idea is there and it can be done. Yeah me!!Here is the latest from Brenda. So cute, mine isn't finished, it still needs the arrow through it, but you can see its really cute.
My mind is thinking shamrocks... I have another idea... will have to post if it works!!
Hope you like for now!!